Hello world!
Hello world!

Hello world!

To kick things off on the new blog, I thought I’d share some images from a trip to the French Alps in early autumn last year.

For the first part of the trip, I was joined by James. We stayed in Chamonix for a few days before tackling the Tour du Mont Blanc, a loop he’s been banging on at doing with me for ages! The towering peaks, the recent snow and the bluebird skies we had for all four days meant incredible views whichever way you looked. That trail is tough on equipment though – James blew up his shock, whilst I broke a spoke and snapped my rear axle. Thankfully, day 4 was short and we only had to limp over and down one relatively small hill before getting back to Chamonix.

Part 2 of the holiday was a solo mission from Grenoble to Nice, following GRs and bits of the TransProvence route. After a couple of cold, rainy days at the start, the weather mostly played ball for the rest of the trip. Riding hiking trails in the Alps is hard, slow going, but it’s just the type of riding that I love.

Unfortunately, I lost the ebay lottery with the Olympus Trip 35 that I bought for this trip. The lens nearly fell off the body on day 1 of the TMB (it’s meant to be a fixed lens), so I had to bodge it with electrical tape for the remainder. Consequently, the focusing was all over the place and out of the 72 frames I took, these are the only ones that came out (semi) in focus. Balls. Hopefully they give a flavour, though.

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  1. Pingback: Bye Ecuador, hello Peru! - drawinglinesonmaps.com

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